

The Bulletin
Agora:the debating point

Agora offers a forum – and a refuge - for discussion and debate about issues facing Kenya, East Africa, regions surrounding East Africa, and the broader African continent. It is a forum for scholars to meet in print and offer insights and fortified by these, to encourage the mental collisions of debate, to review academic books and other writings about Africa, and in doing so keep the Academy alive, or resuscitate it.

The Bulletin is concerned with the core aspect of Decolonizing Epistemologies arising in Diplomacy [Diplomacy in Africa, Diplomacy for Africa, Foreign Policy, Diplomatic Strategy, Doctrine] National Security [Securities of the State, National Security policies and Strategies, Grand Strategy, National Security Doctrine], International Law [Africa in International Law, African Regional International Law, African Regional Institutions], International Relations of Africa, Agenda Setting for Africa, African States and their Diasporas] and all the areas and subject matters surrounding these. In particular, the bulletin is concerned with going beyond mourning for the epistecides of African knowledge wrought by western pursuit of empire and colonialism in the continent. There will be some mourning of course, and appropriate dirges. But these shall be brief, followed by taking up the call and the challenge of decolonizing the epistemologies received in these and other areas, and to make a claim for African epistemological foundations for the perspectives and contributions in these diverse areas.

In this way Agora will be a point of return, an about-turn space, for those who for various reasons joined the death watch for the African Academy, that is currently being underwritten by the epistecidors of African epistemology. Indeed, that point of return, and about-turn space is the Discussion Point amidst the harsh environment of ideas clashing, thoughts questioned, history mastered, and if necessary recreated and re-imagined and refurbished.

Agora is a multidisciplinary forum. As such it is keen to make the different Disciplines cooperate and enhance the understanding of each other, and in that pursuit make all knowledge one, interrelated, and mutually enhancing, each area a Siamese twin of the others, uniting with each other to claim or reclaim a place for Africa in the knowledges Agora’s discussion point will be concerned with.

We would like to hear from you and your contributions to Agora are invited.Each contribution should be between 1500-2000 words.The use of footnote should be minimal if at all and names,titles of the articles should be included in the text.send your articles to



National Security

Other Securities(International, Domestic & Intermestic)

Conflict and Mediation

Foreign Policy

International Law



Occasional Papers