About Us

The Three Legs Consortium was registered under the Companies Act, Laws of Kenya, in Nairobi, Kenya in 2018. It is a research organization, think tank, and meeting place for views and ideas. It is concerned with national security as configured in the three sources of national power as represented in its logo. Within the sources of national power, the Consortium is interested in Diplomacy, its relations with national security, foreign policy issues in their African perspective, its role in the Grand Strategy of states generally, and specifically in its African contexts, the issue of national strategic histories and their custodians, and other issues ejusdem generis.


Memoires & Reminisces

In this captivating Memoire, Lt. Gen. [rtd.] Humphrey Njoroge, 3-Star of Kenya, traces his life and that of the modern Kenya military from the late 1940s, until his retirement from active service in 2004.

It is a story of dedication and commitment, and loyalty and belief in the enduring principles of all great and worthy life. From classroom to war and back again, to strategic commands in the military in between, Gen. Njoroge gives an idea of what it was and what it meant. It ultimately leaves the reader to ponder whether in truth, that caliber of folk patrol its corridors the institution corridors.

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